Gen III Hemi and BBC Added to Swap Block Line
Mock Up a Hemi Gen III or Big Block Chevy
Hey Guys, Jordan from G Force—home of the patent pending swap block.
Today, I'm going to talk about two of our newest additions to the swap block line of mock-up blocks. In front of me, I have a Gen III Hemi and a Big Block Chevy, but we also have LS, Small Block Chevy, 4bt and 6bt Cummins, the new Ford Godzilla, and a GM LT engine.
We're always adding new swap blocks to our lineup, so these are some exciting new arrivals here. These are lightweight versions or templates of actual engines, so you can bolt all your accessories up to them and mock it in place in various engine bays whether you're doing an engine swap or need to test fit accessories into say, a boat or something.
I've attached some accessories to these mock up blocks just so that you can see what they look like, completely dressed up. We got intake manifolds. We have oil pans, motor mounts, bellhousing--this one's even got a water pump attached to it.
These are a great addition. And if you want to find out more about our mock up blocks, check us out at Crossmembers.com. And don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel.
Thanks for watching.
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See all our engine and transmission Swap Block Mock Up Blocks here.