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UMTR Racer - Greg Changet


Greg Changet UMTR Winners Circle

Good Luck, Greg!

2024 Season

Monday, August 19

Back to Square One

I finally got a chance to pull the engine, and as suspected, it’s not good. Everything I just replaced is trashed.

At this time, I don’t know what caused the failure, but as you can see, it destroyed a lot of parts. I will be taking the block to the machine shop this week to have it evaluated and to determine if it can be repaired.

I'll update you as I work toward the 2025 Season.

Greg Changet UMTR August 2024 engine damage

Sunday, July 28

Well, the weekend didn’t go well.

For some reason the oil pressure is dropping and now we have bearing material in the oil. The engine has to come back out.

So, it looks like this is the end of my season. I'm pulling the engine out and I’ll deal with it this winter.

Thursday, July 18

We are back up running and ready for the next race!

Thursday, June 27

Well, our plans to race on Saturday have been foiled. Even though the repairs happened more quickly expected, we've hit another bump in the road.
Prior to firing up the engine I decided to verify piston to valve clearance again due to milling the heads. While doing so we discovered the cam dowel pin had sheered when the connecting rod broke. We did not catch it during assembly because we never pulled the Jesel belt drive hub off.

Thank goodness we found it prior to starting the engine because it would have destroyed a lot of parts. With that being said the cam is being shipped to Bullet Cams today to be repaired.

 I should have the cam back in time to get it back together for the July 13th race. Fingers crossed!

Greg Changet UMTR G Force Sponsored Racer

Thursday, May 30

Little update.

The good news is the major components are okay. The block, crank, and cam didn’t not receive any damage. I have to replace 2 pistons and I'm replacing all the connecting rods.

All the parts I need are on order and the block and crank are on the way to the machine shop. The block is getting a quick hone on the cylinders and the crank is getting balanced for the new rods. The damaged head is getting a little weld and new valves.

Parts availability is an issue and since the pistons are custom made they will take about 6-7 weeks.

Hopefully we will be back up and running by mid to late July.


Monday, May 28

Well the first race didn’t go well at all. I was going to race a 5.80 index 1/8 mile race on Saturday but we got rained out.

Sunday UMTR race went worse. First time trial went well, but I'm still working out bugs the car ran 9.23 @ 145.

The second time trial is when everything went bad. Top end of 4 gear the car shuttered like I hit the rev limiter but the shift light wasn’t on. I threw it into 5th gear and ran it out. Shut the car off like normal and coasted to the shut down area.

At that point I saw a puff of smoke but I thought it was the other guy. Took my helmet and hans off and went to restart the car. It started shaking like crazy so I shut the starter off as fast as possible. That’s when I realized that it just blew up.

I spent all day yesterday pulling it out of the car and started tearing it down. It either broke a rod bolt or the rod itself broke.

I already have the heads in the shop and the short block will get disassembled and inspected this week to see what I need to fix it and get back running again.

Check out the photos of the aftermath.

Thanks for the support. I will get us back on the track as soon as possible.

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Memorial Day Weekend 2024 Greg Changet car damage
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Thursday, May 16

I have done 8 passes on the new clutch and shocks. The clutch is seated-in and happy. Next is shock tuning. 

My first race is Sunday, May 26 which means I will be testing on the Friday before the race.

I'm also going to run a 5.80 1/8th mile index race on the 25th. Looking forward to having a good time with that and trying something different. 


We're proud to continue to support local drag racer Greg Changet as he competes in the UMTR North Drag Racing Series this summer.

Greg will be kicking off his season May 26th at Quaker City Motorsports Park.

Over the winter, Greg made changes to his car to improve his 60 foot time and overall ET.

This year he changed the first gear ratio in the transmission from a 3.16 to a 2.98 and opted for some custom valved rear shocks. 

Greg will test the car before the season starts to get his Mustang dialed in.

Good luck Greg and to all of you racing this season!

Greg Changet UMTR North Drag Racing Series


Post Season Prep

Touching base about wintertime maintenance.

There's good news and bad news. 

The short block looks fantastic. Rod and main bearings look great, so we are good to go there.

However, the cylinder heads need some work. The broken valve springs this year caused some guide, retainer, locks, and valve wear. They were taken to the shop and thoroughly inspected.

The cylinder heads were taken apart and are back together and on the engine. The engine is back in the car. 

After that, I did maintenance on the clutch. It is currently apart, and I also had the flywheel and pressure plate surfaces freshened up.

The transmission is the last piece that needed maintenance. I replaced 2nd gear, 2nd gear slider, 5th gear slider, and all the slider springs.

I also changed the first gear ratio from 3.16 to 2.98 to try to calm the car down a bit on the starting line, as it’s still a bit violent.

The transmission is ready to go for spring.

It will be a long winter without anything to do, but I’m okay with knowing we’ll be ready to race as soon as the tracks open.

Thanks for the support this year. I met this year's goal of top 10, so we're heading in the right direction, and I’m looking for a minimum of top 5 next year. 

I am looking forward to the 2024 season!

Saturday, September 2

Well, not the way I wanted to end the season.

In the first round of eliminations I won due to the other racer red lighting but I broke the 2nd gear faceplate again in the transmission.

I took the lights for round 2 to collect my points and hoped I would get another red light win but not the case.

If all goes well I will meet my goal of the top 10 finish. I’ll keep you updated.

G Force Sponsored racer Greg Changet 2023

Saturday, August 26

Dragway 42-

Well Saturday wasn’t a good day.

Heading for the 1st time trial I realized I had no 2nd gear. We took the transmission apart and found the 2nd gear faceplate was broke into 4 pieces.

After a hour of asking around another UMTR racer had one; so the thrash was on.

With 20 minutes left before the call for round 1 of eliminations we got it buttoned up and tested the gears. Unfortunately, I had no passes on the car so I guessed at a dial.

Nervous that everything was okay I slept on the light and lost. My opponent was on it. He had a .008 light and ran a 9.09 on a 9.08 dial. Hard to beat anyway.

The only good from this is the car is fixed and ready for the next race. I’m still lingering in the top ten in points sitting in 9th. I'm hoping for a really good outing this weekend.

Greg Changet UMTR 2023 Season sponsored b G Force

Sunday, July 30

Yesterday was going good, until the rain rolled through. Won first round-- taking down the current points leader.

I’m still sitting 8th in points.

Saturday, July, 15

Unfortunately, I went out in the 2nd round today due to a slow reaction at the light. Overall I’m pretty happy about how the car ran considering I found 2 broken valve springs last week.

We'll see what happens next time...

Greg Changet races 2023 UMTR

Monday, July 3

The race was a washout.  Cancelled due to rain. 

Sunday, June 11

A lot of preparation went into this weekend.

Monday I has the transmission and clutch out of the car and completely apart for maintenance. The last couple races were rough on the clutch.

Friday night we drove down to Mt. Vernon and I should have made a couple test passes as the tree was completely different than what we usually run on. I decided not to test to save passes on the parts. My mistake!

First time trial I was extremely slow on the light but the car left the line the best it has all year. I felt good about it. The second time trial I was even slower on the light. At this point I was confused because normally I’m too fast on the light and tend to red light, but the car was on point.

Round one of eliminations I get a car I could completely cover if I just had to hit the light. Unfortunately I cut a horribly slow light and ended up losing the race. Now after having a horrible weekend, I’m tied for 7th in points.

Next race- Monday, July 3rd.

Greg Changet UMTR Sponsored Racer
UMTR Sponsored Racer Greg Changet

Sunday, June 4

Magnolia Dragway-
We had another good day going until the call for the 3rd round. I fired the car up to go up to the lanes and once in the lanes I started getting my gear on. Then, I tried to move the car up and it wouldn’t start. The batteries were dead.

I discovered I made a mistake and I didn’t have the battery charger on the right setting and the batteries didn’t get charged in between rounds. We also found that the master disconnect switch was loose which did not help the situation.

Since that happened I am still 2nd in points and I will try again this weekend to pick up some points on the leader.

My goal at the beginning of the year was top ten. I’m looking past that now. I want to win the championship and I will keep pushing hard to do so.

Sunday, May 28

We did it.  IT'S A WIN!

The 1st round was a knuckle biter. Very close heads up race that I squeezed out at the end.

Second round I was lucky enough to get the bye.

Third round I raced a really good friend and he was having car problems, but still ended up breaking out giving me the win.

Fourth round I had one of the past champions and I killed him on the tree with a .003 reaction time taking the win pretty easily.

Finals- My main focus was not to red light. I went green and caught him within 400 feet. So I ran the car out to about 1000 ft then pushed in the clutch coasting to the win.

It was a great day and the car ran dead on all day. I ran 9.15 on every pass and with a car like that it makes driving a lot easier.

Thanks again to G Force for the support! I’m tied for 2nd in points, 1 point behind the leader.

Hopefully this coming weekend we get the same result!

Greg Changet test run for 2022 season in newly wrapped car.
UMTR Race Winner Greg Changet

Saturday, May 20

I only made one time trial run. As I was getting ready for the 2nd run, one of the other racers in our group crashed right in front of me.

It was a really bad accident and the organizers decided to cancel the race due to the track conditions.

Saturday, May 6

We had a weekend filled with good and bad moments.

First, our condolences go out to the family of fellow racer and friend, Ed McConnel, who died suddenly of natural causes.

After careful consideration the organizers decided to continue the race.

After we spent Saturday morning replacing two of the trailer tires I had to abort the first-time trial the run as the transmission would not go into 4th gear.

I discovered that the shifter rod needed adjust so I got that fixed in time for the second time trial. It turned out to be one of the best passes I have made in this car with this combination.

We drew one of the UMTR South division guys and it looked like it was going to be a good heads-up race. Unfortunately, I went red giving Bob the win.

It always stinks to take yourself out of the race by red lighting, but I will say that we made some good changes on the car, and we are looking forward to the next race at Dragway 42.

Race results for Greg Changet UMTR sponsored race G Force
First race of UMTR Season Greg Changet
G Force sponsored racer Greg Changet
Looking good for first race new blue wrap Greg Changet

Saturday, April 15

This weekend went very well. Right of the trailer Friday evening, I went 9.10 @ 148 mph in the ¼ mile. That is par for what we have ran in the past few years even with adding some weight in the trunk with new batteries this year. The second pass did not go as well. The track was good, and the car shook the tires at the 3-4 shift and would not go into 4th gear, so I aborted the run.

Moving onto Saturday, I entered the index race in the 6.00 class. This is an 1/8-mile race and I normally run 5.70’s in the 1/8 so I had to find a way to slow the car down, so I didn’t break out. After testing Friday night my best option was just run it through the first three gears then coast and prey, I hit the 6.00 index.

First qualifying run, I went 6.10, second qualifying run was a 6.07 which put us in the middle of the field. Unfortunately, that put me up against the last 3 years in a row champion of the class. Once again, I just entered the race to do some more testing, mainly the starting line trying to get the car to leave better. We were making shock adjustments all day and being successful. So round 1 of eliminations I had ¾ of a car lead until I had to push in the clutch, so I didn’t break out. As I am coasting to the finish line hoping he would mess up he nosed me out at the end. I ran a 6.06 to his 6.01 which ended our day.

Overall, we had a very good weekend, and we are ready for the first UMTR race at Kil-kare Raceway on May 6th in Xenia, Ohio.  

Wednesday, April 12

Ready to load up for the first outing of the year this weekend. Hoping to go out this weekend for some preseason testing.

Tuesday, January 10

Here is the tentative schedule for 2023.

I am ready! So, as s
oon as the tracks open in April I will be out testing.

This is going to be a good year!

Greg Changet Race Car at UMTR Fall Nationals Sept 4, 2021


October 26

Other than going over the entire car checking bolts, we are all set and ready for spring.

The engine is good, and the transmission/clutch are good to go as well.

Looking forward to the 2023 Season!

Friday, October 14

The new wrap is completed, and I am very happy with it. The color is fantastic, and I can’t wait to see it out in the sun.

The last of the changes are in process. I am powder coating the wheels gloss block and the wing will also get re-coated gloss black.

I will be starting the winter maintenance next week which consist of checking valve spring pressures, removing the rocker arms for winter storage and a good deep cleaning/ rebuild on the carburetor.

The oil filter will get removed and inspected to make sure that the engine is still happy and ready for next year. New rear tires will also be mounted once the wheels are coated.

The rear wheels are currently on the way to Mac-Fab performance to get beadlocks installed.  

Saturday, September, 17

It’s getting close.

I made some really good progress over the weekend. The bumper proved once again to be challenging with all the different contours and I’m sure the same will be said with the hood.

I am very happy with the outcome so far.

Thursday, September 15

I started on the new wrap last night.

The new color is a satin blue pearl, and it looks nice.  While both vinyl wraps I've tried are the same brand, the satin finish seems to allow for more stretch without distorting the color making it a lot easier for me  to work with it. The results are looking much, much better than the my last attempt with the gray wrap earlier this year.

Greg Changet test run for 2022 season in newly wrapped car.

Tuesday, September 13

Since my season is over, it is time to start the winter maintenance and prepare for next year. I am not one to wait until the last minute.

The transmission is already apart for inspection, clean up, and maintenance. Since the engine was just freshened up about 20 runs ago, I will just pull the oil filter inspect it and remove the rocker arms off the springs for the winter. New valve springs will be installed in the spring before the first event.

My first attempt at wrapping the car was somewhat successful, but I am picky, and I like my car to look nice. It’s not a show car but I try to get close with it. So, it’s getting a new wrap. The old wrap is already removed, and I will be starting on the new one this weekend.

The color this time will be a satin blue and all the decals will be in black again. I’m undecided, but the wheels may also get black powder coated.

Watch for photos and updates as I continue prepping for next season.

Saturday, September 3

Well didn’t go as planned due to the weather,  but we did get the UMTR race in on Saturday.

Friday nignot the case on Saturday. The track was good and hooking hard.

Which was okay because that means I could throw more power at it. This is when we found out that the tires are just worn out.

Although the indicators on the tires still show plenty of tread life left— these stick shift cars beat up the sidewalls and the 60ft times suffer. W
e went out to test and play with the suspension to try and get the car to 60ft better. With a couple of adjustments to the shocks we found our setting but discovered that the tires are just worn out.

However, we did get the car to consistently run a 9.17 and 9.16 which is what really matters.

Since the track was not that good Friday night, Saturday morning I decided to take a little bit of clutch out of the car . Well, that was

No matter what we did the car would not improve. It was once again very consistent. The one issue I had was the transmission would not go into 5th gear consistently and I was fighting it.

I’m assuming, since I have not torn it apart yet, that the slider for 5th gear is worn and needs to be replaced. I battled the tree and 5th gear all day.  We did make it to the 3rd round, but I lost due to a red light.

In our series we only have 5 rounds per race so overall it was a good day! It's always a good race day when you win your entry fees back and you load up a car running under its own power with nothing broken.

Unfortunately, that was my last race for the season. Due to some breakage and missing some events, I will finish the season out of the top 10, which was a goal this year.

We will try again next year. As with every winter I am always looking for ways to improve my car and I will keep you updated with and changes I make.

As of now the list starts with fresh tires and possibly redoing the wrap.

Look for more details in the coming weeks.

Greg Changet test run for 2022 season in newly wrapped car.

Sunday, August 14

Race cancelled due to rain that never came.

Next race coming up this weekend at Quaker Motorsports Park.

Greg Changet test run for 2022 season in newly wrapped car.

Saturday, August  6

I had another good outing last weekend at Quaker Motorsports Park until a loose ground wire on the batteries ended the day.

It was another hot miserable day with crummy air, but we were making it work and the car was consistent. In the first round I won due to the opponent red lighting.

The second round I beat the opponent with an issue and on to the 3rd round we went. All was good and it was a rematch from the last outing with my friend Tim. We had the car all set or so we thought. I pulled it down into the lanes waiting for our turn to race. After 20 minutes of waiting, it was time to go.

Tim started his car, and I went to start mine and the batteries were to low to fire the ignition. Since I could not make the call, I had to forfeit the race.

Not the way I wanted the day to end as I believe we had the car to beat for sure.

After getting home and the car in the garage on Sunday I began looking for the issue. Were the batteries too old, too small, or was there another issue? It was the latter.

I found that one of the negative cables had shaken just loose enough that the batteries would not take a good charge in between the rounds. I fixed that problem, so it doesn’t happen again. 

We will see what I can do this coming weekend at Magnolia Dragway. If I can keep doing my job as the drive, I feel that I have a car that is hard to beat!

Greg Changet August 6 race at the starting line

Saturday, July 23

Rough day at Thompson.

It was hot, humid and the car did not like it. The first-time trial the throttle cable was binding up, so I aborted the pass and went back to the trailer to fix it, which is not good when you are trying to dial the car in for the day.

The second time trial I went 9.15 at 146 MPH. It was obvious that it was going to be a slow day due to the weather killing horsepower. So, moving into first round of eliminations I dialed a 9.08 thinking the car may pick up if the driver did his job and hit his shift points. 😊

At the chip draw I pulled a guy that I have never raced before, and I knew nothing about the car or the driver as he came to this event from Pennsylvania to race with us for the day.

He was dialed 10.95 to my 9.08 so he got to leave first, and I had to run him down. I did just that by cutting an awesome .008 reaction time on the light and passed him early enough to coast through the finish line for the win with a 9.22 @ 136 MPH.Moving onto the second round. Second round I get paired with another good friend of mine with a fast car and I knew I had to be on my game because he would be chasing me this time, which means I had to cut another good light.

Unfortunately, when I was staging the car, I went into the beams deeper than I wanted to and went .007 red on the light loosing again in the second round. The worst part was he never ended up leaving the line. His car stalled before his light turned green. Since I was leaving first, I didn’t know this had happened. If I could have just cut a decent green light, I would have easily moved to the third round.

Saturday, July 16

Friday night the plan was to get to Dragway 42 early and get some test passes in on the rebuild. That did not go as planned. We left the house and down the road the turbo went out on my motor home. After spending quite a bit of time on the side of the road trying to find the problem we ending up limping back home.

Once back home we loaded up the truck and headed to the track. We got to the track just in time to get a nice easy pass on the car. We wanted an easy pass so we could double check the valve train before making a full hit on it. We hurried to adjust everything to make another pass but they called the night due to rain.

Saturday was a good day even though I ended up going out 2nd round to a good friend of mine due to a red light.

The car ran fantastic all day. The first time trial I went 9.11 @ 148 mph which wasn’t bad considering it has a totally different cam in the engine from the last outing.

Second time trial I went 9.03 @147 mph. I was extremely happy with that as that is just about where it was running when the lifter failed. We knew we had more in it with some suspension changes but now we were entering eliminations.

The first round of eliminations I went 9.03 @ 147 mph winning due to the competitor red lighting, The second round of eliminations I knew I had to cut a good light as I was racing a very good friend of mine that is a very seasoned and excellent racer. With that being said, I went red on the light giving him the win.

Overall I am happy that the car is back to running great and we will try again this coming weekend.

Thursday, July 7

Fired up and almost race ready!

Tuesday, July 5

Back on the ground and all together.

Waiting on a single pushrod for the engine so we can fire it up.
We worked constantly all weekend to make this happen.
 Excited to race on the 16th!

Greg Changet test run for 2022 season in newly wrapped car.

Thursday, June 30

Going back together and we will be race ready for the July 16th race at Dragway 42!

Greg Changet test run for 2022 season in newly wrapped car.

Thursday, June 2

Well it looks like no more racing for this year. The lifter that went bad ate up the cam.

It’s going to be a pricey fix.

I need a new cam, machine the block for the bigger lifters that I already have and since metal went through everything I need to re-ring it and put new bearings in it.

Greg Changet test run for 2022 season in newly wrapped car.

Wednesday, June 1

Started the tear down process.

So far I know that I have 8 lifters that are bent and they are stuck in the bores.

We are going to start trying to get them out. There is some bearing material in the oil but I don’t know how much wear is on the bearing as of yet.

What I do know is that the engine will be completely torn down and the lifter bores will be honed for the bigger diameter lifters for strength. We are probably looking at new piston rings and bearings while it’s apart.

Unfortunately this is a time consuming and costly parts failure so I’m not sure how long I will be down. I will take pictures along the way and provide updates.

Memorial Day Weekend 2022

Well, the weekend started out fantastic. We had a very consistent race car during testing, running 8.98, 8.99 and 8.99. Looking at the data we needed a little less clutch, so we made the adjustment and put it in the trailer for the night.

Sunday morning the first time trial run it went 9.07. I factored that could be due to the weather and track conditions being different from Saturday.

The second time run it slowed down to a 9.09. Once again it was extremely hot out and the track was not the best, so it did not cross my mind that something was wrong with the car.

It was running well and no noise to indicate an issue. With that being said, I went to go up for the first round of eliminations and when I pulled into my lane the engine started making a loud squealing sound.

At that point I am not going to run and potentially damage my engine, so I forfeit the round and go back to the trailer to find out I have a lifter that is not moving on number 1 exhaust.

Yesterday after getting home, I pulled the engine to find out that 10 lifters are seizing up in the bores. We have yet to get them out and see what the next step is or what the issue is. At this point we are thinking the cam is too aggressive and it’s beating up the valvetrain.

The engine builder is coming over Thursday night and we will be putting a game plan together. As of right now I am not sure how long I will be down. We may need to bore the lifter bores out for a bigger diameter lifter, and I will probably need a new camshaft.

I am very disappointed about the parts failure because we have made so much head way with this car this year and we had a race car that was very competitive.

Greg Changet test run for 2022 season in newly wrapped car.

Sunday, May 15

First race of the 2022 Season

Great race day! The car was on point and ran fantastic.

The first round I ran right on my dial, and I won due to the competitor breaking out by running under his dial.

Unfortunately, I lost in the 2nd round due to a slower reaction time even though I ran right on my dial.

When racing a seasoned racer like I was--- there is little room for error, and he got me. Running UMTR is tough, we have a lot of great racers and the races are normally won by small margins.

Sunday, April 22

I’ve been out testing the past couple Friday’s and the car is running fantastic.

I do need to make a small clutch adjustment before the first race on May 7th, but other than that I am ready to go.

I’m excited for the season and we are going to try like hell to get into the winner’s circle a couple times this year!

Greg Changet test run for 2022 season in newly wrapped car.

Wednesday, March 16

That's a wrap!

Now that the repairs are done I decided to change the color of the car to dark gray. The wrap with the new color is done. I'm really pleased with the results and ready to race!

Greg Changet's newly wrapped Race Car
Wrapping the trunk
side of greg changet car wrap
Greg Changet rear fender is next
Greg Changet getting started on car wrap

Thursday, March 3

The race care is almost done and ready for the season. There are a few small things to finish but it’s close!

Saturday, January 29

The new front end has been delivered!

I can finally complete the repairs from the accident earlier this year. While I'm at it, I'm making the profile a little lower to make it easier to see.

Plus, I'm cleaning up the back seat delete to make the interior look nicer.

It's good to be back in the garage. It reminds me Spring is coming regardless of the ice and snow outside.

Greg Changet Race Car at UMTR Fall Nationals Sept 4, 2021

2021 Season

Saturday, December 11

Doing some winter clean up work and making a new transmission tunnel. More to come once the new front end pieces are delivered.

Greg Changet Race Car at UMTR Fall Nationals Sept 4, 2021

Saturday, November 20

The engine is out and the bearings have been checked.
Everything looks good for next year!

Greg Changet race car with engine out

Friday, November 12

Now that the season is over the winter repairs and inspection process has begun. Every winter I pull the transmission and engine out and tear them down to inspect them. I check the gears and sliders in the transmission and tear down the engine to check the bearing for wear.

Greg Changet Race Car at UMTR Fall Nationals Sept 4, 2021

Saturday, November 6

It was a great finish to the season at Dragway 42 with our best time of the year—8.87 at 149.6 mph!

Priming the fuel pump at Dragway 42

Saturday, October 23

Race day at Dragway 42 in West Salem.
The first race of the year with Q16 fuel. 
We have a winner! The first 8 second pass of the season.
See below for priming the oil pump, warming up, and winning!

Priming the fuel pump at Dragway 42

Wednesday, October 20

Cooler weather is here!

It's time to switch from C12 to Q16 fuel for increased horsepower.  This change requires replacing the size 100 jets to 106 to accomodate for the differences in the fuel and the cooler temperatures. 

Starting fuel jet switch Greg Changet
Fuel jet switch complete. Ready for Q16 fuel.

Sunday, September 19 

We decided to hit the local track (Magnolia) for a nice Sunday. The car probably ran the best it has all year, but the driver sucked - LOL!

I red lit the first round and went home disappointed again. Sooner or later I will get my head straight and go some rounds

Looking forward to the  next race in a couple of weeks.

Saturday, September 4

Looked good at the Sept 4 - UMTR Fall Nationals at Quaker City Motorsports Park. We worked really hard on finding the happy place for the clutch. The data logger showed we needed less clutch and more RPMs. We're really close to dead on now. The goal is to make the car as quick as possible, yet consistent. 

We red lighted in the 2nd round to end our day, but we made great progress - 9.14 @ 145MPH.  We're happy with our tweaks.

Greg Changet Race Car at UMTR Fall Nationals Sept 4, 2021

Sunday, August 8

It was a great weekend at Tad and Jims Dragway.

Saturday, July 31

Despite a little mishap we ran our best 60ft time ever in this car.

Sunday, July 18

Unloading for the race at Magnolia.

Sunday was not a good day. During the burnout for the first time trial something happened in the transmission where I lost reverse. In order not to risk major damage to the transmission I ended my day early.

This is the life racing a stick car. You get good at removing transmissions, fixing, and installing.

Saturday, June 19

Looks like the rain is going to hold off. Found and fixed the cause of the bad vibration.

Sunday, May 30

Race ready!

May 13

G Force Sponsorship and logo in place!

Sunday, April 25

Loading car for first race of the season at Dragway 42.

April 22

Doing some testing in prep for the season.

April 7

Ready to go racing. This is going to be a good season!

March 20

Spring is finally here and it's time to get the car ready for the season!